Polite, Appreciative & Grateful Part 3

The last part of this study it practicing being Grateful. When you’ve practiced and mastered the art of being polite and appreciative, being grateful comes automatically. See Grateful in the Greek is a state of being thankful and considered a virtue. “Understanding the biblical meaning of virtue provides believers with a compass to navigate life in accordance with God’s will. The Scriptures exhort followers to embody virtues such as wisdomhumilitypatience, and love as they walk in faith.”

– Bibical Concepts-

The essence of being grateful is a full heart. A heart filled with gratitude!

“Watch over your heart with all diligence. For from it flows the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23)

See, being and practicing politeness, and appreciation comes from surrendering to the process. Allowing Jesus to heal your heart, begin to direct your path and show you the path of life. The life he has planned for you,

“I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6)  

Through him we lose our way to find his way.

 In our life we begin to recognize that we are only agents of his Kingdom sent on an assignment to show the world around us, Jesus. And, in doing so, we’re inclined to reveal his nature,” goodness, kindness, meekness, gentleness, love, joy, peace, faithfulness, and forbearance.” (Gal:5:22-23)

“The Bible speaks of gratitude as a heartfelt response to the goodness and love of God. It’s also a way to honor God, to foster positivity in our lives, and to strengthen our relationships with others.”

Here are five examples from the Bible that teach us about the power of gratitude:

  • The Story of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19): This story is about ten sick men who Jesus healed. But out of the ten, only one came back to say thank you. This teaches us that being grateful makes us stand out and brings joy to those who help us.

  • The Psalms of David (Various Psalms): David wrote many songs, called Psalms, thanking God. Even when he was scared or in trouble, he would find reasons to be grateful. This shows us that we can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what.

  • The Thankfulness of Daniel (Daniel 6): Even when a law was made that said he could not pray to God, Daniel continued to give thanks three times a day. His gratitude showed his trust in God, even in hard times.

  • Jesus Giving Thanks (John 6:11): Before feeding 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus gave thanks. This miracle shows that when we start with gratitude, even the little we have can turn into enough or even more than enough.

  • Paul's Letters (Various Letters): Paul often started or ended his letters by thanking God for the people he was writing to. He knew that being grateful for friends and helpers makes both them and us feel good.

The Bible states

“Oh. Give thanks unto the Lord for he is good: for his mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1) 

Gratefulness is not based on how we are feeling. Unfortunately, our feelings are changing from day to day and moment to moment. That’s why the word mentions, ”Rejoice always and delight in your faith; be unceasing and persistent in prayer, in every situation [no matter what circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” (1The 5:16-18)

Often, we’re so boggled down with stuff that we forget to be thankful/grateful. You may ask, thankful for what?  When things aren’t going well. Always remember it could be worse, as a matter of fact there is someone somewhere who is experiencing something worse. However, being polite, appreciative and grateful is a mindset; a choice that we make. Moreover, being grateful is a heart set!

A Heart set on choosing the Grateful way of life. We choose to be Grateful!! We choose to look through another lens!! We choose to remain prayerful. We choose to  continually give thanks. “Gratitude is a virtue, and it requires reflection, kindness and expression. There’s no such thing as unexpressed gratitude. It doesn’t do anyone any good if you don’t express it.”

-Bishop Bronner-

“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.” -Bishop Bronner-

 Expressing gratitude daily will for certain lift your spirits and others. Ask God to reveal when there are opportunities for you to be polite, appreciative, and grateful.

Your life will be blessed because of it…





Practice being Polite, Appreciative & Grateful Part 2


It is What it is..unitl it isn't...in Marriage