Meet The Founders

Greetings 1family,

I’m Donnice, the girl next door who’s all about family. I am out here on a limb sharing my struggles, nuisances, coping skills, joys, and ways of maintaining peace. God has taught, sustained, and guided me through rough terrain. As a result, he has commissioned me to serve others through writing, speaking, and creating.

If you haven’t noticed we are all about family. Consider this your personal invitation to join 1family, doing life together is better. With Jesus as our lead, we can make it through any and every situation.

Take this moment to…enjoy, embrace and be enlightened on your journey!!

Donnell & Donnice Pitts


Our Story

I’ve been married over 22 years to the most loving, thoughtful, giving, spirit-filled, dedicated to family man of God. I’m not bragging this is the truth! We’ve grown through raising 5 children (4 girls, 1 boy) and two precious grandbaby girls, including our two dogs, a goldendoodle, and a pitbull. We’re out here living for Jesus, enjoying and embracing the journey.

Join us as we navigate the waters of marriage, children, family, friends and the unexpected beauties life can toss our way. Here, we take it one day at a time, dying to ourselves, accepting things we can’t change, and gathering wisdom and insight while striving to walk humbly.

Grab some tea or coffee, and take a stroll around our site. Be sure to check out our Good Family TV, blog pages, Our Youth page, grab your freebies, go to “The Shop”, sign up for weekly inspiration updates, and more.

Thank you for stopping by we pray you receive and experience something meaningful, impactful, and life-changing. More importantly, share with others what you receive and invite them to join 1family.

We are real people, living real life, experiencing real change!
