Sweet Smelling Aroma
“For we are unto God a sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.”
(2 Corinthians 2:15)
God’s word often leads me asking myself questions that leads to other questions; that leads to even more questions.
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom; and with thy getting get understanding."
(Proverbs 4:7)
The scripture above concerning “a sweet aroma (savour)” in the nostrils of Christ is one that always leads to introspective.
· I begin asking myself if I smell good in the nostrils of Christ?
· If I am sending off the aroma of Christ in my everyday life?
· What scent or fragrance am I exuberating?
· What is my scent in His nostrils?
Often, times this particular scripture brings heavy conviction in my life.
When my husband is in the kitchen cooking the aroma is tantalizing, and sweet, preparing our nostrils and taste buds for some good home cooking’. His only request is that we stay out of the kitchen while he prepares the food. We are tempted in going into the kitchen to get a little taste of the food that smells so good.
However, he is really adamant about wanting no one in the kitchen, while he is preparing the food. When he finishes cooking he places every dish inside of our fancy glass bowls that we use for entertaining. He removes the flower arrangement on the kitchen table. He then, pulls out the serving utensils and places them inside the glass bowls. Next, he sets the plates on top of the place mats and puts all the food on the runner laid across the table. Our silverware and napkins are neatly placed near the plates ready for us to dig in and enjoy. The atmosphere is set for eating and enjoying the company of each other over a scrumptious meal. The TV and all of the electronics are off, and we are sitting at the table enjoying each other and our meal.
The process my husband goes through in preparing our meal is the same way in which we are being prepared to be a blessing to those we encounter. Much like the process involved in cooking we are broken into pieces, placed back together inside of a gourmet dish, seasoned for flavor, carried in a pan, cooked (placed in the fire), and then served to the world. Our hearts are ripe for the out pouring of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
We are equipped for the use of Christ in fulfilling the Great Commandment, “Go ye into all of the world, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Mathew 28 18-20).
“And walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” (Ephesians 5:2)
One author explains the scripture as such, “But, in Christ, our prayers are a pleasing scent to God. He delights for you and me to come and speak with him, because he “smells" his Son on us.”
“Therefore, I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, that we present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)
When I think of the best way in measuring where I stand in respect to my “aroma” is the “Fruit of the Spirit”.
(Galatians 5: 22-23) ”But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (self-control) against such there is no law”
The blessing is that we can evaluate where we stand within the scriptures. Basically, when we measure our behaviors on the word of God, we can’t fail.
I try my best in most cases to judge my thoughts against the word of God. Are my thoughts and actions meek, kind, long-suffering, faith filled, and full of goodness? Often, prior to completing the list I am quiet. Obviously, I notice where I have fallen short and the area that need work.
We believe that we are protecting ourselves from hurt feelings, heart break, or embarrassment. Ultimately, we are closing the door for God to come in and repair wounds, abrasions, and tares in our hearts.
(Exodus 14:14) “ The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent”
My son in middle school makes this statement to us almost every day, “You guys are doing it, why can’t I do it?” For some apparent reason, this line has been his “go to line” these days, especially when we are instructing him to do something. Our question to one another is why is he saying this, lately? Other than the fact that he is regularly repeating middle school jargon.
We are certain that our “aroma” when it comes to our children is not always pleasing in the nostrils of Christ. As a matter of fact, we miss it quite often when it comes to our children in long-suffering with them and showing kindness to them through life’s challenges. The blessing is that Christ is always shaping and molding us into His very image. Often, he gets our attention through those who are closest to us.
Therefore, as we draw near to God and He will draw near to us. (James 4:8)
What is the aroma coming from us in our home; on our job; in our family; in our neighborhood; among our peers; at our church; within our community; to our friends and in our everyday living?
Are you a sweet savour (aroma) in the nostrils of Christ?
Our Prayer:
Jesus, we need you in this hour, life is full of many distractions that lead us away from pleasing you and becoming a sweet aroma in your nostrils. Please help us in exemplifying temperance (self-control), long-suffering, meekness, goodness, faith, kindness, peace, love and joy in our thoughts and actions. Jesus, replace our negative actions and thoughts with your truth and understanding.
In Jesus name, Amen