It Takes Faith to Believe
“Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrew 11:1)
Years ago, I was challenged, to say the least, and the catalyst was after graduating from Graduate School and not landing the ideal job. The never-ending roller-coaster ride of disappointment sent my emotions, one day up and the next down. I recall seeing life’s possibilities through life events. The error of seeing life through this limited lens resulted in the diminishing of my faith. I recognized the problem with my vision was not a result of my lack of doing the right thing nor trying hard enough, but not “beginning in faith; standing in faith and remaining in faith. The entire chapter of Hebrew 11 builds our faith and explains with examples of deciding on living a faith-filled life. Funny, the chapter states near the end that these generals, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and countless others began in faith, stood in faith, and remained in faith to the end. Especially, when there was no tangible evidence of what they were believing God for in life.
Ironically, they were validated through their faith, some did not receive the totality of the fulfillment which leads us to believe we are the recipients of their standing in faith. The message bible says it best, “making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world,” (Hebrew 11:38)
Faith has put on a new face for me. Audaciously, we have narrowed faith down to an event in our lives or one mere promise. How about believing that faith is lived out through our daily living with and among others? I have begun to put some “Feet to my faith”. If God said it who am I to negate what He has declared? If he has already declared me whole and missing or lacking nothing. Why am I not putting my faith in Him and trusting what He has said concerning me?
Let’s write out our Faith in Action chapter;
When the back pain persists, I place my hand on that area and declare that by the stripes of Jesus, He has already paid the price, and I am healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
When doubt clouds my mind I will fail and will not succeed that my writing is not good enough to capture the attention of people and make a difference in their lives. I must bombard my doubts and fear with my faith.
When the enemy bombards my thought life and tells me, I don’t have the wisdom or the words to minister to teens in LEAP Small Group for Youth. I tear down these false accusations with my faith in what God has given me to steward over and I continue pressing and pouring into their lives.
When the enemy tells me that my prayers are only reaching the ceiling and aren’t reaching the throne of God, I become more faithful, praying with more reverence and asking God to have his way in the lives of those for whom I am praying. The enemy will not derail my efforts nor deter my enthusiasm and love for prayer.
One of the most difficult is deciding to give and support to the causes of Christ without regret. God gives seed to the sower, where He guides He will provide. There are times that I question my giving to the church and in doing so, I ask God to reveal to me what I am sowing into and why. I am not always searching for my return but for clarity on where my giving is going. I see where my church is doing missionary work, evangelist work, and regular outreach to the community in providing local programs with food, shelter, and training. “The Lord will open for you His good treasure, the heaven, to send the rain unto your land in season, and to bless all the work of your hand: and you will lend unto many nations, and you will not borrow.”
(Deuteronomy 28:12)
In the faith movement as revealed in Hebrews 11 the generals of our faith, began in faith, stood in faith, and remained in faith.
See….if we are reluctant to put our hands to work on the things God revealed to us to do we can and will miss the opportunity to put “Feet to our Faith”
In all actuality who are we to doubt the assignments that God has on our lives? We must put aside our doubts and fears and do the work God has commissioned us to accomplish. “For we live by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). Moses was told to go to an unfamiliar land which he would receive as his inheritance.
Signs that the assignment is from God:
1) The work He has for you has been revealed to you over and over again
2) Others have confirmed the work through direct or casual conversation
3) The assignment has been solidified through God and others and involves your natural talents
4) The assignment is something that you can’t put down or stop yourself from doing
5) The assignment gives you the greatest fulfillment
6) The assignment is much larger than you and requires God’s involvement and leading
7) The assignment will help, is beneficial to others, and will bless their lives
8) The assignment will outlast you and your generation
“Without faith, it is impossible to please Him; for He that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
(Hebrew 11:6)
Trust the path that God has laid out for you and press past unbelief, doubt, fear, distractions, disappointment, and uncertainty. Let’s begin to put “Feet to our Faith” and believe God for the impossible.
Jesus, you have mentioned in your word that there is nothing too hard for you and we believe that what you have placed on the inside of us will be a blessing to others. We trust that as we put “Feet to our Faith” you will reveal the necessary steps, just as you laid out for Noah. “We lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run the race with patience the race that is set before us,” ( Hebrew 12:1). Show us your beloved children how to trust your great plan for our lives. We ask and pray for all these things.
In Jesus Name….Amen