1Family of God Ministries

Welcome 1Family…

We are so glad you’re here!

We know life has its ups and downs, we’re here to help, Families around the world. providing a safe landing space for you and your beloved family.

Standing strong in your faith, AND trusting God to lead the way is the fuel we need. See, god’s desire is we live our best life. Although, adversity will come we can trust and believe God never leaves nor forsakes his children. So, rest in 1Family pages and find the peace you need to keep On moving.

We hope you find healing, restoration, hope, and love in the pages on our site.

Be encouraged today!! You’ve got this!!

Grab yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee and make yourself at home.

We serve Real People, living Real Life; expecting Real Change

A Glimpse Of All Things Family:

1Family invites you to jump right in and become a part of the family.

thank you for trusting us to uplift, edify, and encourage you and your beloved family.

Marriage Moments

Sowing into Young People